List of
Companies and names profiting from the ‘War on Terror’
Ø Oil, gas, and energy companies – and
o World
Trade Organization
It’s no
overstatement to say that this secretive 146-member nation body is the Global
Government. They make the rules of the global economy—and they ensure that
labor rights, environmental protection, democracy, and human rights don’t get
in the way.
o George H.
W. Bush
Former US President – A true Texan, Senior’s got oil in his veins—from
starting companies like Zapata Petroleum to his current job with the Carlyle
Group. After launching Gulf War I, Bush pulled Kuwaiti strings for Chevron.
He’s a former CIA chief, UN Ambassador, VP and Pres, but he’s always current in
o George W.
‘Criminal in Chief’ – (former) Petty Dictator, United
States of America – Saudi ties
and a whole ring of criminals to help him; His failings are no joke. As Texas
governor, Bush executed a record 152 people. As ‘president’, he earned the US “the
most hated nation” status. A failed oil exec, Jr.’s
fraudulent election ushered in Endless War. You’re either with him or against
him. What’s it gonna be? (sarcasm with a point)
o Lee
Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil – Earth’s largest energy company and Jr.’s biggest campaign contributor is
also to blame for countless spills, abuses, and evasions. Already well-placed
to benefit from regime change in Iraq, top execs met with US-backed Iraqi
opposition—just to guarantee their position.
o David J.
Chairman and CEO of ChevronTexaco – Despite its warm-and-fuzzy façade, this
mega-company rides a wave of violence, corruption, and cronyism to get its way
everywhere from Ecuador to Iraq, Nigeria and the US. Having former director
Condoleezza Rice on the inside and sending millions every year to Jr. GW helps
o Ken Derr
Director, Halliburton & Citigroup, Former CEO,
Chevron – Biggest mouth
in Big Oil, Ken admitted how much he would love Chevron to have access to
Iraq’s oil. Derr presided over Chevron during its
bloodiest years in Nigeria. Now on Halliburton’s board, he knows how ruthless
you’ve gotta be to get the goods.
o Philip J.
Former CEO, Shell Oil, USA – Appointed to run Iraq’s oil industry American-style, Carroll
and his oil buddies will make sure that the Iraqi people finally receive their
long overdue oil wealth. Just like they did in Nigeria.
o Ray Irani
Chairman and CEO Occidental Petroleum – The War on Terrorism definitely increases security for Oxy.
US military aid to protect their operations in Colombia reached hundreds of
millions in 2003. Resulting profits fund Oxy’s pay-offs to armed groups and
ongoing human rights abuses.
o The Lord
John Browne of Madingley
CEO, BP Director, Goldman
Sachs – BP made $41
million a day from price hikes and consumer fears due to the Iraq war. Lord of
the Wells, Browne is waiting for that “future legitimate Iraqi government” to
slip back in. Though he never had a problem doing business with Saddam before.
o Charles R.
Chairman and CEO Unocal Corp. – Can’t let human rights stand in the way of business. Unocal
is famously cozy with dictators and repressive regimes past and present
(including in Burma, Indonesia, and Afghanistan), and still shooting for the Afghan
pipeline. And they hope we’ll forget their overnights with the Taliban.
o Thomas
Former Gov. of New Jersey; Director, Amerada-Hess – Now chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Kean’s joint
venture, Delta-Hess, is a partnership with Khalid bin Mafhouz—brother-in-law
of Osama bin Laden. Doesn’t that seem just an itty bit inappropriate?
o Red Caveney
President American Petroleum Institute – Red poured over $1 million petrodollars into the Bush 2000
election, while API, the oil industry club he oversees, promotes destructive
policies like increased drilling and hiding toxic release information. All in
the name of “Energy Security.”
o Zalmay Khalilzad
US presidential envoy to Afghanistan and Iraq – Previously an apologist for the Taliban while serving
Unocal’s Afghan pipe-dreams, Khalilzad has supported
armed militants since the Reagan days. Now he’s the top US official in
Afghanistan. How appropriate.
o Frank
Governor of Alaska – Within days of 9/11, this then-Senator for Alaska began
using the tragedy to try to squeeze oil out of the coastal plains of the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge in the name of national security. Wonder if he gets
oil money for his election campaigns?
Government Agencies and Officials in the corruption
o Export
Credit Agencies
government-funded banks give taxpayer money to war profiteers to build
mega-projects for mega-profits. They also insure these projects against
political instability (read: riots). See also: United States Agency for
International Development (USAID). ECAs might just be the dirtiest secret of
o Richard
Halliburton (currently assigned to US Vice Presidency) – As Secretary of Defense, he oversaw Gulf War I. As CEO, he
earned Halliburton millions in Iraq. Then off to the White House with a $36
million thank you package. Then he brings us Gulf War II. Does he have a
o Henry
Architect of Evil – Founder of nuclear gunship diplomacy, kingpin war
criminal—Kissinger sets the standard. Wanted for terrorism and genocide in
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Chile, Cyprus, Kurdistan. Where terror reigns, Henry was there.
o Donald
Former Secretary of Defense, Nixon adviser, 1970-1973
(oops) – As Defense
Secretary, he ushered in the B-1 bomber, Trident Sub, and MX missile. As Middle
East Peace Envoy, he was at Saddam’s side (chemical weapons notwithstanding)
when there was pipeline potential. Then he found an easier way to get the oil.
o John
Former Attorney General – Driven by a volatile mix of radical dogma and corporate
greed. Friend of the death penalty, enemy of women’s rights, architect of
Patriot Acts I and II, he is now working hard to build the police state of his
o Richard Perle
Former chair of Pentagon Defense Policy Board – A rabid hawk, this former Asst. Defense Secretary under
Reagan now fronts for right-wing and corporate “think tanks” and manages
Trireme Partners (with Kissinger and several Saudi industrialists)— an
investment firm that profits from homeland defense. Nickname: “Prince of
o Paul Wolfowitz
Former Deputy Secretary of Defense (sponsored by
Northrop Grumman – Information Technologies) – A chief architect of US Central Command, this former US
Ambassador/Chief Apologist in Indonesia serves on the board of weapons giant
Northrop Grumman and toy giant Hasbro. Get ‘em while
they’re young, Wolfie…
o Tom Ridge
Former Secretary of Homeland Security – As Pennsylvania governor, Ridge signed countless death
warrants, pushed 3-strikes laws, and used pre-emptive strikes and surveillance
against dissent. Now, Ridge promotes the use of military for domestic police
duties. Welcome to the Homeland.
o Colin
Former Secretary of State – Misrepresented as a dove, he defended massacres in Vietnam,
oversaw Iran-Contra, and led assaults on Panama and Iraq (twice). Advocates
“Total War” (a.k.a. kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out) and “Shock and Awe.” My, what big talons you have
Mister Dove…
o John
US Ambassador to the United Nations – Wherever he goes, Negroponte leaves a trail of blood. Best
known as US Viceroy in Honduras (1981-1985), he sponsored Nicaraguan Contras
and Honduran death squads, shielding Congress from knowledge of the terror.
o John
Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – Chief architect of Iran-Contra, he was once-upon-a-time
convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress, and destroying evidence. Current
Czar of Total Information Awareness, he’s watching you. And your neighbor. And
your mom. And your next move. Shhhhhhh.
o Condoleezza
National Security Advisor (sponsored by ChevronTexaco) – Condoleezza shows up in all the right places: State
Department, Rand Corporation, Hoover Institute, Strategic Nuclear Policy
advisor to the Joint Chiefs, Chevron, and Transamerica Corp. boardrooms. Chevron
even named an oil tanker after her. Truly.
o Colonel
Richard D. Downie
Commandant of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, a.k.a.
School of the Americas (SOA), a US Army academy that trains Latin American
death squads in torture and terror—essential instrument of hemispheric military
Ø Heads of
industry, finance, media, policy, and hype
o The World Bank Group
- Under the guise of “poverty reduction,” the WB funds massive international schemes like dams, power plants, and oil pipelines—and pays war profiteers like ExxonMobil and Unocal to execute them. Too bad about the tens of millions of people displaced along the way.
o George Schultz
- Senior Counselor The Bechtel Corporation Former Secretary of State – Best known for dumping nuclear waste on native lands and hijacking Bolivia’s water, now Bechtel’s scored big with the contract to “rebuild” Iraq. AND, they employ George Schultz and Caspar Weinberger. Did someone say, “revolving door?”
o James Baker III
- Senior Counselor The Carlyle Group – This long-time Reagan-Bush crony now works for the folks who define “war profiteer.” Buys and controls oil, arms, and heads of state. By trading in blood, this Armageddon proponent ensures that the world will end with a bang—and with a few bucks in his pocket, to boot.
o K. Rupert Murdoch
- Chairman and CEO News Corporation Ltd. – The owner of Fox “News” used the invasion of Iraq to propel shock-jock programming to new heights. Even CNN propagandists have been heard muttering, “this is going too far.” But they’re probably just jealous.
o William Kristol
- Chairman, Project for a New American Century – The brains behind the corporate warmongers, this think tank wrote the battle plan for the New World Order, modestly titled “Pax Americana.” Devotees: Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearle, Abrams.
o Robert J. Stevens
- Director, Monsanto & President, Lockheed Martin – Roll over, Chemical Ali. From Agent Orange to Roundup-Ready GMOs, nobody loves chemicals more or works harder to promote chemical dependence. Monsanto’s herbicides are essential to the “War on Terror” in Colombia. Shares board members with Lockheed Martin. Surprised?
o Sanford ‘Sandy’ Weill
- Chairman and CEO, Citigroup – As one of the world’s biggest financial institutions, Citigroup funds oil pipelines, racist predatory loans, biotech, deforestation, and prison construction. Their profits buy political favors, access to billions of taxpayer dollars, and those nifty billboards: “Live filthy, kill quickly.”
o Lowry Mays
- Chairman and CEO Clear Channel – Owns the radio station you like, the billboard on your corner, your bus stop bench ad—and sponsors the pro-war rally downtown. They decide what you see and hear. And what you see and hear is endless war.
o Jon Hemingway
- President Stevedoring Services of America – This notorious union-busting cargo company is set to make oodles running Iraqi ports. Business is business. Coincidentally, Jon gives almost all his lunch money to the GOP. But there’s probably no connection.
o Glen A. Barton
- Chairman and CEO Caterpillar Inc. – People don’t kill people— bulldozers kill people. When tanks and helicopters are overkill, bulldozers make the perfect kill (see Palestine). CAT makes its own killing selling killdozers to Israel and other military states. [Editor’s Note: Are they blaming Israel for something? Or just their corrupt government? Because big businessmen control and manipulate the government, not the honorable Israelis…]
o Michael D. Capellas
- Chairman, President and CEO MCI (formerly WorldCom) – Recently WorldCom was fined $500 million for accounting fraud (a historic record). Now the government is giving MCI your tax dollars to build Baghdad’s wireless network. The moral: If you get caught stealing, change your name.
o Thorne G. Auchter
- CEO, Grace News Network – Grace News Network’s mission is to “change the news” to reflect the Kingdom of God and His purposes and to “proclaim the Good News about what God is doing today.” Is it a miracle that the US contracted Grace to support Arabic TV news in Muslim Iraq?
o David Novak
- Chairman and CEO Yum! Brands – This Pepsico spin-off houses KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, etc. They supply junk food to schools in the US and to allied forces abroad, giving our boys and girls the energy they need to do the job. Now that’s patriotism. (sarcasm)
Ø Military
and Defense Contractors
o International Monetary Fund
- The IMF paves the way for the World Bank by coercing poor nations to restructure their economies for easy corporate access. The recipe is simple: privatize resources, remove worker protections, flood markets with imports, and slash social spending. A powerless nation is easy prey for “free” trade.
o Joe Lopez
- Senior VP, Government Ops Kellogg, Brown & Root – This former admiral once ran US Command in southern Europe. At KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, he negotiates to run military bases in Uzbekistan, to build prisons for the Taliban in Cuba, and to put out oil fires in Iraq.
o Thomas W. Rabaut
- President, CEO and Director United Defense Industries – UDI builds the Bradley fighting vehicles used to bury Iraqi soldiers alive and to fire the depleted uranium (DU) shells suspected to be a cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Largest shareholder: the Carlyle Group.
o Jay Garner
- President, SY Coleman Ex-Viceroy of Iraq – This former Air Force general worked for Israel designing Arrow missiles. His company was recently bought by L-3 Communications (also owns MPRI). Demoted by the White House, now Paul Bremer, CEO of Marsh Crisis Consulting, is in charge of bleeding Iraq.
o Vance D. Coffman
- Chairman and CEO Lockheed Martin – World’s #1 military contractor, responsible for the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes, F-16, F/A- 22 fighter jet, and Javelin missiles. They’ve also made millions through insider trading, falsifying accounts, and bribing officials.
o Philip M. Condit
- Chairman and CEO Boeing – Aside from 747s, Boeing makes “smart” bombs, F-15 fighters, and Apache helicopters. Boeing has paid tens of millions in fines for selling flawed parts that led to thousands of unnecessary landings and at least one fatal crash.
o Daniel P. Burnham
- Chairman and CEO Raytheon – Raytheon means “light from the gods.” Makers of “Bunker Buster” bombs, Tomahawk and Patriot missiles, this company loves big noises and large civilian casualty counts. When a missile killed 62 civilians in a Baghdad market that was light from the gods.
o Ronald Sugar
- CEO and President Northrop Grumman – Makers of the B2 stealth bomber, you’d think this company could stay under the radar. But they’re dogged by scandals—from bribing Saudi princes to charges of sexual harassment in the White House. Above board, their job is simply selling death.
o Nicholas D. Chabraja
- Chairman and CEO General Dynamics – GD makes traditional F-16 jets, Abrams tanks, and Trident subs. With contracts in the billions, and new markets (read: wars) opening every day, they’re not as washed up as some may think.
o George David
- Chairman and CEO United Technologies – The name sounds like they make light bulbs—but UT, a.k.a. Sikorsky, sells Black Hawk and Comanche helicopters and various missile systems designed to inspire terror in civilians from ‘Palestine’ to Colombia to Somalia and beyond.
o Sam Nunn
- Director, General Electric & ChevronTexaco (to name a few) Former US Senator – Remember, “We bring good things to life?” Things like nuclear reactors, cancer clusters, and overpriced battlefield computer systems? Remember the fraud convictions? What, you didn’t see the stories on NBC? Maybe it’s because GE controls those airwaves.
o General Carl E. Vuono
- President, Military Professionals Resources Incorporated – Where there’s conflict, there’s money to be made teaching the art of war. This cozy club of top-shelf mercenaries, all retired brass, educates killers from the Balkans to Colombia to the Persian Gulf.
o Paul V. Lombardi
- President and CEO, DynCorp – The world’s premier rent-a-cop business runs the security show in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the US-Mexico border. They also run the coca crop-dusting business in Colombia, and occasional sex trafficking sorties in Bosnia. But what can you expect from a bunch of mercenaries?