Using Terrorists To
Establish World GovernmentThursday, July 26, 2007
By Patrick Briley
News With Views.comBefore the 9/11 attacks, the Saudi royals, including King Abdullah, were angrily demanding that Bush facilitate establishment of a Palestinian state in Israel, and the Saudis were paying the families of Hamas suicide bombers in Israel up to $25,000.Saudi royal government impatience with US action to work to establish a Palestinian state led to Saudi terrorists being involved in the 9/11 attacks. Those publicly named in news reports, 9/11 Commission and 9/11 Congressional reports as having aided the 9/11 Saudi hijackers in the US include:
Wahhabbist terror extremists in Saudi backed and controlled North American Islamic Trust (NAIT ) mosques throughout the US
Saudi bankers such as the one connected to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Saleh Abdullah Kamel.
9/11 Saudi hijacker bagmen associates of Saudi royal government officials such as Al Bayoumi, Al Bana and Moshen AlAttas (half brother of Bin Laden).
This August 1, 2003 article from the New Republic quotes senior US officials as saying Saudi Royal government officials were involved in the 9/11 attacks - Missing 28 Pages: 9--11 Congressional Report Says Saudi Government Involved. The article can also be found here:
“Since the joint congressional committee investigating September 11 issued a censored version of its report on July 24, there's been considerable speculation about the 28 pages blanked out from the section entitled ‘Certain Sensitive National Security Matters.’ The section cites ‘specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers,’ which most commentators have interpreted to mean Saudi contributions to Al Qaeda-linked charities. But an official who has read the report tells The New Republic that the support described in the report goes well beyond that: It involves connections between the hijacking plot and the very top levels of the Saudi royal family. …We're talking about a coordinated network that reaches right from the hijackers to multiple places in the Saudi government.’"
The details in the “28 missing pages” were intentionally deleted from the public version of the joint 9/11 attack report of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. The pages were classified at the insistence of GW Bush and as the result of James Lewis, the author of part of the report under former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and former CIA director, Porter Goss.
Saudi Bin Laden family members were protected with the help of Bush, and Bush family associate Dale Watson when they were flown out of the US on flights possibly chartered by Bin Laden a few days after 9/11 when all other US flights were grounded (according to newly released, un redacted FBI documents obtained by Judicial Watch under a FOIA request). Watson was the FBI Counter Terrorism Center chief who blocked search of 9/11 hijacker wannabe Moussaoui’s computer before 9/11. One of the Saudis flown out early was a 19 year old with the last name Al Hazmi, the same name of a slightly older 9/11 hijacker who may have been a close relative.
In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush announced his "road map to peace" hatched with Hamas terror backing Saudi Arabian Wahhabbist Muslims and Saudi King Abdullah and to be carried out by the quartet of EU, the US, the UN and Russia putting troops on the ground for 42 months in Jerusalem. Bush announced his intent then to divide Israel into two parts, establishing a Palestinian state inside Israel at the request of the Saudi royals and Wahhabbists. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has just been named by GW Bush to be the envoy for the “roadmap” quartet to the Organization of the Islamic Conference that has 35 members. Tony Blair, GW Bush and Bill Clinton are Third Way, New Age Communitarianists who really are Communists who believe in establishing a world government and unifying religions under the New Age religious belief system. See Subordinating America Under a Socialistic World Government.
Before the US went into Iraq in March 2003, Bush gave a speech to the American Enterprise Institute saying his intent was to establish a permanent economic and governmental base in Iraq to guarantee a global prosperity and a permanent peace settlement for Israel and the Middle East. Bush has now set up a world government economic block on the plains of Shinar in Iraq with the construction and establishment of the Middle East Free Trade Association (MEFTA) headquarters built in Iraq at a cost of $592 million US taxpayer’s dollars. The MEFTA headquarters is a sprawling complex of 21 interconnected, blast proof buildings (reminiscent of the Pentagon) on 104 acres and posing as the US embassy and “foreign mission.” Even AlQaeda leader Dr. Ayman Zawahiri recently called for the re-establishment of Greater Assyria that includes northern Iraq. Bush is perhaps unwittingly complying with Zawahiri’s request.
The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), that Bush and socialist Democrats follow, is fully behind MEFTA in Iraq being permanently set up as a regional seat of world government and economic empire. The MEFTA base is in the mold of CAFTA, NAFTA and GATT and is one of several regional global governance economic centers such as the European Union (EU) and the North American Union (NAU) that are leading to the destruction of the sovereignty of nations (including the US) and the creation of world government. While Bush, the CFR and the Trilateralists are imposing these regional global governance centers under the guise of making them democracies; they have not and will not guarantee Constitutional Republics and national sovereignty within the regions.
One world government regional trading block, the EU, is increasingly controlled by Muslims. Yet Bush has signed a new pact with the EU (without a treaty or Congressional vote or debate) that integrates US executive branch regulations with those of the EU to establish a single global US-EU market. See Bush OKs 'integration' with European Union [Without Treaty Ratification or Passage of a Law] and US and EU agree 'single market' [NWO Market].
One provision of the US-EU pact signed by Bush is the Open Skies deal, designed to reduce fares and boost traffic on transatlantic flights has already been set into motion by Cheroff and the DHS. It will allow potential Islamic terrorists to fly into the US from EU nations. It compliments and is consistent with Bush’s and Chertoff’s policies of allowing aliens-some of whom are known terrorists-into the US by airline flights, ships and land routes via Mexico and Canada as part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and NAU “Trusted Traveler Program”. The US will have US regulations and airplane passengers from the EU, Mexico and Canada dominated by Muslim extremists over time (as is already happening in the EU).
Bush and the EU are slowly but inextricably introducing "sharia" law and "sharia compliant” trade and banking practices into these trade pacts. The US Dow Jones Islamic Trust (front for Muslim Brotherhood in the US) is already sharia compliant. GW Bush's associates for running US ports deals, Dubai and the UAE, use sharia compliant banking and management practices.
Northern Iraq is the home of ancient Assyria that now rides on the back of an ECONOMIC center in the Middle East and the world that sits on seven hills on seven mosques in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkey is in the process of now setting up an extremist sharia compliant, Islamic Republic similar to that of Iran. FBI translator and 9/11 whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has publicly stated that many prominent US officials connected to the American Turkish Council were involved in drug trafficking and had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been accused in news accounts of accepting bribes from Turkey Islamic leaders. Several NSC and CIA associates of the Bushes (see “AEI” described below) identified as being involved in the American Turkish Council, including Brent Scowcroft, were the business backers of Mujeeb Cheema, the Pakistani Director of the Saudi controlled NAIT mosques that have been associated directly with the 9/11 hijackers.
Two Oklahoma politicians having knowledge of NAIT’s activities and those of a FBI currently protected Muslim criminal business terrorist super cell in Oklahoma (see more below) have taken large contributions from and are close to Turkish members of the American Turkish Council. These politicians are Oklahoma’s governor Brad Henry, and David Boren, the Islamophile chancellor of the University of Oklahoma (OU). Boren is a former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and a world government socialist. advocate. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to have a son or close relative currently enrolled at OU.
Months after 9/11 Bush and Colin Powell were still openly backing and protecting Hamas terrorists in Israel and in the US, calling them “freedom fighters”, and a group Powell said the US helped create as a negotiator for a peace plan with Israel. A public letter from Newt Gingrich finally pressured Bush to put Hamas on the US terror list. The staff director of the House Intelligence Committee and the former Chairman of the same committee, Janice Roberts and Dave McCurdy, respectively, told me personally that Hamas had a closely FBI monitored, but protected and large presence in Oklahoma and OKC prior to and after the OKC bombing well into 2001..
Today Bush and Condi Rice are openly backing and protecting AlFatah terrorists in Israel and in the US with millions of dollars of weapons, ammunition and US intelligence. Condi Rice is still publicly calling Hamas “resistance fighters’ rather than the terrorists they really are even though Hamas attacked AlFatah in Gaza and captured over $400 million is US weapons and munitions and intelligence given to AlFatah. Bush recently prevailed in having Israel release AlFatah terrorists including Barghouti to now fight the same Hamas terrorists in the West Bank that Bush and Powell had previously backed.
US residents Melvin Lattimore, a.k.a. Mujahid Menepta, and Mujeeb Cheema, are the very embodiments of the Bush and Clinton duplicitous and murderous policies of supporting and protecting AlFatah and Hamas terrorists in the US and Israel.
Menepta is the North American recruiter for AlFatah who was a roommate of 911 hijackers and Saudi royal bagmen in Norman, OK including Al Hazmi, Hussein Moshen AlAttas, and hijacker wannabe Zacahrias Moussaoui. Menepta is also an AlFuqra terror member closely associated with a Muslim Brotherhood super cell criminal enterprise and network in Oklahoma that currently helps and acts as couriers and conduits for Hamas and AlQaeda terrorists in the US and overseas (see more on Bush protection of AlFuqra terrorists in the US and Pakistan in Part II of this article).
Menepta was named in court proceedings by the BATFE at a federal trial in OKC in November 2001 as a participant in the 1993 WTC bombing and the 1995 OKC bombing. Menepta was protected at his trial by Chertoff’s replacement at the DOJ criminal division, John C. Richter, and Menpta is walking the streets of America in St. Louis for AlFuqra, and AlFatah.. One of Menepta’s roommates and Saudi bagman for the 9/11 hijackers, Moshen AlAttas, a half brother of Bin Laden, drove Moussaoui to the Minnesota flight school from the Norman OK flight school in August 1995. But AlAttas, like Menepta, was protected by the Bush DOJ and is according to some accounts, attending school in Alabama rather than being or deported or imprisoned. See AlAttas: Was OU’s Saudi 9/11 Provocateur Protected By DOJ?
The FBI taped the imam of the OU mosque, Ndiaye, talking to AlAttas about the planned “jihad” of Moussaoui and AlAttas in the summer of 1995. Despite Ndiaye and AlAttas setting up an Islamic Scientific Institute in Oklahoma before 9/11 (that was on the FBI terror watch list), Ndiaye was allowed to return to Senegal and AlAttas was protected and allowed to stay in the US.
Mujeeb Cheema, a Pakistani living in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is Director of the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a Saudi financially backed institution that controls Wahhabbist terror mosques in the US strongly suspected of involvement in 9/11 attacks, the OKC bombing, the 2005 OU bombing and the recent Trolley Mall shootings in Salt Lake City. Cheema is also associated with the Dow Jones Islamic Trust.
Cheema’s NAIT, along with the Council on Arab Islamic Relations (CAIR), is named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas terror funding case involving the Holy Land Foundation going to trial in Dallas on July 16, 2007. NAIT is on the US terror list but nothing has been done to prosecute NAIT under Bush. Despite the indictment against CAIR, Bush, FBI head Robert Mueller and Homeland Security (DHS) chief Michael Chertoff require their agents to be trained by CAIR and CAIR is being given access to sensitive FBI and DHS security procedures.
American Equity Investors (AEI) set up Mujeeb Cheema as a principal in Hawkins Energy in Tulsa in the early 1990s. AEI is controlled and run by personal assistants to HW Bush (David C. Martin), Terry Lenzner, former NSC Director Robert McFarland and former top CIA officials. Several NSC and CIA associates of the Bushes involved with AEI are identified as being involved in the 9/11 linked American Turkish Council, including Brent Scowcroft. Cheema is also associated directly with the US backed Muslim Brotherhood business investors in the US, the Dow Jones Islamic Trust.
Business records show that Cheema’s NAIT, backed by the Saudi Wahhabbists, is directly tied to an FBI and DOJ protected Muslim Brotherhood super cell criminal enterprise and network in Oklahoma that was involved in the OKC bombing with Menepta and AlFuqra terrorists. This super cell is still allowed to commit crimes (drug running, money laundering, property and insurance scams, etc) and operate to support Hamas, AlFatah, AlFuqra, and AlQaeda terror groups in the US and overseas. For more on Cheema, Menepta, NAIT, the Muslim Brotherhood and the super cell criminal enterprise and network in Oklahoma see chapters in the book The Oklahoma City Bombing Case Revelations (PDF version or HTML Version) and articles at the book website,
The attorneys who controlled the escrow account for the Hamas terror front, Holy Land Foundation, were Adkin and Gump, well known narco attorneys who have represented Bush family interests for decades. Saudi banker and billionaire Khalid Mahfouz was on the board of Holy Land Foundation. Mahfouz helped bankroll the Bushes in Arbusto and Harken Energy with CIA operative James Bath who went AWOL at the same time as GW Bush from the Alabama Air National Guard. Mahfouz sued and recently won a judgment in British courts (because of weak British laws involving liable) against US citizen Rachael Ehrenfeld for her book that disclosed Mahfouz terror fundraising ties.
Mahfouz and Adkin Gump, are being protected by Bush and have not been named in the Holy Land case going to trial in Dallas despite their direct ties to Holy Land and to Hamas terrorism funding. Holy Land Foundation was raided by the FBI 5 days before the 9/11 attacks and it is strongly believed incriminating evidence against Mahfouz, Bush, and Adkin and Gump from the raid was not turned over to the federal grand jury investigating Holy Land at the time. Mahfouz and Adkin and Gump were also associated with the board of InfoCom across the street from Holy Land. InfoCom ran a website for Iraq.
Another associate of Mujeeb Cheema, Mufid Abdulqadir, is a defendant in the Holy Land case. Abdulqadir was the top fundraiser for Hamas in the US while he was at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and working with Menepta and the Muslim Brotherhood super cell criminal enterprise and network in Oklahoma connected to the OKC bombing. This super cell, Hamas, and Abdulqadir are known to and protected by the DOJ and FBI in OK to this very day. A dedicated and patriotic attorney with strong and reliable credentials has presented to FBI agents hard evidence of this super cell criminal enterprise and network and its involvement with Hamas, AlFuqra, and AlQaeda. FBI Director Robert Muller effectively shut down an FBI investigation of the Oklahoma super cell criminal enterprise and network when he reassigned the FBI agents who had taken the evidence seriously.
The absolute corruption of Mueller and Bush in protecting this Oklahoma terror super cell criminal enterprise and network, the terror connections of NAIT, Bush associated Saudi bankers and royals, and Mujeeb Cheema is manifested in the fact that public records positively and directly connect NAIT with the Oklahoma super cell going back to before the time of the OKC bombing. These same records also suggest a collaboration of a white supremacist with the Muslim terror super cell and NAIT.
Tom Cole is a powerful Oklahoma Republican Congressman with close links to fellow Yale alumni member GW Bush and the RNC. Tom Cole made a highly questionable Tribute to Muslims in the United States that is posted on CAIR’s website in Chicago. Cole’s tribute is questionable because Cole, like Bush, knows that CAIR and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) are named as unindicted co-conspirators in the trial against the Bush affiliated Hamas terrorist organization, Holy Land Foundation (See Part I of this article). NAIT’s headquarters, like CAIR’s website, is in Illinois.
Tom Cole, whose Congressional district includes the University of Oklahoma (OU), misled the public about the involvement of Islamic sponsored terrorism with OU student Joel Hinrichs in the October 1, 2005 OU bombing. Hinrich’s roommate at OU was Fazel Cheema, who may be a relative of Mujeeb Cheema, the Director of Bush protected NAIT. Cole worked closely in the cover up with Chertoff’s replacement at DOJ's Criminal Division, John C Richter, OKC's FBI SAC Salvador Hernandez, and two prominent Oklahoma politicians, Oklahoma’s governor Brad Henry and OU's President David Boren. Both of these men are associated directly (see Part I of this article) with the American Turkish Council (linked by Sibel Edmonds to the 9/11 attack activities in Turkey). Boren is very close to GW Bush’s current Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates.
Bush has also been involved with other Hamas terrorist leaders and groups besides Mahfouz and Holy Land. GW Bush openly met and took monies from professor Al Arian and Mr. Alamoudi, the convicted head of the American Muslim Council (AMC) despite being told by the Secret Service that the men were terrorists. Jack Abramoff, Grover Norquist, Carl Rove, Congressman Rohrabacher, the treasurer of the AMC, William Suffuri, were directly involved in sponsoring the meetings and receipt of monies by Bush from Al Arian and Alamoudi.
Condi Rice and Bush have intentionally kept the AlFuqra terror group off the US terror list even though AlFuqra has been involved in more terror attacks in the US since 1978 than all other terror organizations combined. See US Islamic Terror Network Protected by US Gov't.
Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, and John Muhammed, the DC beltway sniper were members of AlFuqra. AlFuqra has numerous and well-documented terror training camps throughout the US. AlFuqra is known to provide mules and couriers for AlQaeda in the US and around the world. See Radical Muslim paramilitary compound flourishes in upper New York state.
The leader of AlFuqra is Sheik Jilani, protected by the CIA in Pakistan. Menepta, who was involved in the 1993 WTC, and 1995 OKC bombings and 9/11, is also a member of AlFuqra. Numerous members of the Oklahoma criminal enterprise and Muslim Brotherhood terror super cell have direct ties to Sheik Jilani including Menepta, Bilal Benu and Jamille Smith. Jilani works with AlQaeda in Pakistan and may have ties to Pakistani Mujeeb Cheema. New York Times reporter Danny Pearl was beheaded when trying to meet with Jilani but instead was kidnapped and turned over to AlQaeda in Pakistan.
Sheik Jilani and AlFuqra trained Bosnian and Kosovo mujahideen members for the CIA and Pakistani ISI in Pakistan to fight the Serbs and Croatians. Jilani’s role with the Bosnians and Kosovo terror rebels for the CIA is one of the reasons why Bush protects Jilani, AlFuqra training camps in the US and AlFuqra members including Menepta. Bush is still protecting and using AlFuqra. See FBI Agents "Groom" Muslim Scouts, AlFuqra [AlQaeda] Terrorists in US.
The second in command of AlQaeda, Dr. Ayman Zawahiri also trained Bosnian and Kosovo mujahideen members for the CIA in Bosnia with the help of Hezbollah and the Iranian government with munitions and missiles provided by the US with the direct approval of President Clinton and his national security advisor, Anthony Lake. FBI and CIA operative Ali Mohammed escorted Zawahiri throughout the US and to OKC in March and April 1995 to raise monies for Bosnian and Kosovo terror rebels and to set up a terror underground network in the US with the full knowledge of Clinton and Lake. Zawahiri was in OKC and at the OU mosque at the time of the OKC bombing. Zawahiri’s presence and the US program for supporting Bosnian terrorists is a reason Clinton ordered the DOJ and FBI to shut down the investigation of Islamic terrorists involved in the OKC bombing. Zawahiri met with and interacted with members of the Oklahoma super cell criminal enterprise and network.
Bush and Rice are not only covering up the role of Zawahiri and Jilani in training the Bosnian and Kosovo rebels and their involvement with Menepta in the OKC bombing, Bush and Rice are openly supporting, along with Democrat and Clinton ally Tom Lantos, making Muslim terror state of Kosovo a member of NATO and perhaps the EU in accordance with the demands of Saudi royals close to Bush. Furthermore, the former Bush appointed head of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, has a multimillion-dollar contract with Ali Berisha to bring Albania in NATO. Bush recently met with and praised Berisha in Albania even though Berisha is close to Bin Laden, allows AlQeada to operate in Albania, harbors Kosovo Muslim terrorists, and is a world government socialist reported by major US news outlets as being involved in drug trafficking with AlQaeda.
ABC News has recently reported that classified DHS documents reveal AlQaeda is preparing a “spectacular terror attack” in the US this summer. Earlier ABC reports stated that 300 new terrorists specially trained by AlQaeda and the Taliban have been sent to the US and England for terror attacks in the near future. The latest reports say that an AlQaeda intelligence cell from Pakistan has been dispatched with the 300 new, specially trained terrorists
At first DHS director Chertoff denied the ABC reports of AlQaeda planned spectacular attacks, but later publicly stated that the potential for AlQaeda attack threats in the US was serious after ABC released the excerpts from the DHS report. ABC reported that an urgent meeting had been called by the White House to discuss the threat only to have the White House later downplay the meeting as merely routine and to dismiss the seriousness of the concerns that had been expressed by Chertoff.
Some of the Muslim doctors involved in the AlQaeda planned London car firebomb attack plots applied for jobs in the US and some may have been from the US. Their plans included attacks on the USS Kennedy and Florida Naval facilities. Several months ago Bin laden had told reporters “those who heal you will kill you”, an obvious reference to Muslims doctors who planned terror attacks.
Not all of the Islamic terrorist plotters for the Ft Dix, New Jersey attacks have been located in the US and are still at large and available to help in an AlQaeda terror attack.
Iran has threatened the US numerous times to unleash Hezbollah attacks against US interests around the world including the US if the US or Israel took military action against Iran over Iran’s nuclear program and/or support of Hezbollah and Syrian attacks against Israel and Iranian sponsored attacks against US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Al Qaeda and Hamas are now working together with Hezbollah in the US, OKC and around the world in super cells under the umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood. Bush protected AlFuqra and AlFatah terror members in the US like Menepta are couriers, mules and enablers for AlQaeda and Hezbollah that could help AlQaeda, Taliban or Hezbollah terrorists sent into the US or already in the US along with Muslim terrorist doctors for a spectacular terror attack this summer.
These same terrorists can also arrive in the US as illegal aliens and then be protected by illegal aliens already in the US. Yet Bush and Chertoff are not adequately trying to stop illegal aliens at the US border. FBI Director Robert Mueller has refused to move against 1000 known AlQaeda operatives in the US on a CIA action list according to former IG of DHS, Clark Kent Irvine. Mueller declined to move against the AlQaeda operatives because he claimed they had not yet started actions for a specific attack even though Mueller knew they were committing crimes that normal citizens would be prosecuted for including raising money for terrorist organizations, a violation of the Patriot Act. These 1000 sleepers are also available to help the 300 AlQaeda and Taliban terrorists recently sent to the US once they arrive.
Further, Bush is continuing to allow the buildup of and to protect AlFuqra and AlFatah terrorists in Pakistan, Israel and in the US that could help the 300 AlQaeda and Taliban terrorists sent into the US. Will the AlQaeda intelligence unit dispatched from Pakistan to help the 300 newly trained AlQaeda suicide terrorists be helped by Bush protected members of AlFuqra and AlFatah, by the Bush protected Saudi controlled NAIT mosques, by the Bush protected Pakistani head of NAIT, Mujeeb Cheema, and /or by the Bush protected Muslim Brotherhood terror super cell in Oklahoma?
Regardless of Bush’s motives, Bush’s actions and policies will lead to terror attacks in the US. Bush intentionally does not enforce the law against illegal aliens who can be terrorists. Bush is bringing ten of thousands of inadequately screened and potential Iraqi, Bosnian and Kosovo Muslim terrorists that the US helped train overseas. Hezbollah the “A” team of terrorists in the US has major US cells that Bush and the FBI have not gone after. See Hezbollah, WMD Attacks, Inside US Cities?
Does Bush want to permit a terror attack pretext to trigger suspension of the US Constitution while he warns of terror attacks but also aides and protects US terrorists? Bush has already issued executive orders to immediately institute martial law in the US and suspend the Constitution after the next major terror attack in the US according to General Tommy Franks, the US commander for the Iraq operation in 2003.
The Patriot Act provisions were written BEFORE 9/11 by Chertoff who protected many of the 9/1l AlQaeda backers before the attacks. See Chertoff Created Terror Pretexts for US Police State.
Bush is using terrorists, the Islamic dream for a worldwide caliphate, and Bush’s MEFTA in an attempt to establish a false peace in the Middle East and a global governance economic center in northern Iraq. Bush is allowing and protecting terrorist groups in the US to establish the NAU and world government. .
Patrick Briley is a Navy Viet Nam era veteran who served on a Polaris ballistic missile nuclear submarine patrol in the Pacific. His Polaris submarine patrol in far East Asia near China was historically significant and exceptionally dangerous.
His Naval service was from 1968 to 1976 during the Viet Nam era. He was a battalion commander of his Naval ROTC unit and a Midshipman on board the ballistic missile submarine, SSBN 624, the Woodrow Wilson. He was chosen to serve under Admiral Rickover as a project engineer at Naval Reactors near Washington DC. Patrick Briley started research and investigation into terrorist attacks after the Oklahoma City bombing.
He submitted his findings concerning the OKC bombing and the 9-11 attacks in briefings to high-level staff for the Senate Judiciary and Senate and House Intelligence committees, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, and the 9-11 Commission.
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